Archives for : Fear of Success

Happy birthday Rawhide; “Battle Rap” video

First and foremost: happy birthday to a man I would consider marrying just for the tax break, The Rawhide Kid! 27 years ago today was the first time he touched his mom’s vagina. But would it be the last?

In celebration of this momentous occasion, we are unveiling our first music video in the Budget-Ass Video Series. You’ve seen legends like Hollow da Don, Loaded Lux and Charlie Clips battle with rhymes, but have you ever seen two overgrown children battle Pokémon with rhymes?

“Battle Rap” was an early concept in the creation of Fear of Success and as soon as I told Rawhide about the sample I wanted to use, he cranked it out. Then he made a beat…

When I said Budget-Ass Video Series, I wasn’t kidding. The camera was borrowed (thank you 7000x to Karina who trusted me with expensive equipment and still hasn’t asked for it back), Andrea did all the hard work and then I edited it poorly. Seriously, an 8th grader could have done a better job editing than me. The only money that was spent was on those idiotic costumes. Didn’t even pay royalties to use the Pokémon sounds or footage. And now you understand why I’m giving the album away for free.

Can’t get away with watching YouTube at work? Check out the audio on Soundcloud.

Fear of Success tracklist revealed

Check out the tracklist for Fear of Success

Fear of Success back cover

16 tracks with guest appearances from The Rawhide Kid, Knowle’ge, Mike Larry Draw & Shayna McG and production from The Rawhide Kid, Chris Prythm & Will Spitwell. It’s a new low that is sure to be career-ending for all of them.

You can also see my collar tattoo of the album’s name. I’m so confident in the quality of this project I’m branded with its title. I’m just not confident in the quality of my hairy man-tits so I don’t show it off much.

Fear of Success album cover; discography updated

Ladies, gentlemen and everyone in transition: here is the official cover for Fear of Success!

Fear of Success cover

This cover, like the Rush Hour single and many of the other single covers to come, was done by Andrea Malatesta.

The Discography has been updated as well with pictures and links to all my old projects. They, like your exes, range in quality from regrettable to maybe-after-six-or-so-beers.

Fear of Success, which, on the other hand, is the musical equivalent to the model you fucked when they lowered their standards during a brief bout with self-pity, will be available May 27, 2016.

New website, album release date, first single

Welcome to, the official website of Rootbeer: a talentless emcee from the 518. This first post is full of really exciting stuff for those of you who tolerate my music. I’ll definitely ramble as much in every post but this one is special. You never forget your first…

I’ve been teasing an album called Fear of Success for over a year now and it’s finally finished! On May 27, 2016 you’ll be able to hear it in its entirety for $free.

I’ve been sitting on this domain for some time and since this album release is right around the corner, I thought it would be a great time to put it to good use. Thanks to my close friend and oversized hippie Jason Townley for the design. This website will serve as the central hub for all things Rootbeer so you don’t have to check like 80 different properties every day. Not that you’d want to listen to me every day anyway.

You will notice there are a bunch of links in the primary navigation (at the top) that point to pages that say “coming soon,” or something to that effect. I’ll put stuff on those when I’m good and goddamn ready so kindly stay off my ass.

Finally, check out “Rush Hour,” the first single off Fear of Success! It was produced by Chris Prythm of Ill-iteracy. Both of my longtime fans will remember him as the producer of “Hell of a Time” back in the day.